Focus areas
The five focus areas working groups and sub initiatives played a large part in the development of a comprehensive and meaningful ONE VCU Sustainability Plan.
To develop these focus areas, the ONE VCU Sustainability Plan team used feedback from nearly 1,200 VCU community members who responded to the ONE VCU Sustainability Plan survey and connected with us at our engagement events.
Each of these areas were assigned to and explored by a working group comprised of a variety of subject matter experts who worked together and collaborated with other working groups. These groups studied the current state of sustainability at the university and health system and researched opportunities to incorporate into university and health system operations, administration, academics and research and are included in the draft ONE VCU Sustainability Plan.
Throughout this process, we sought seek feedback from the VCU and local community to explore the focus areas and identified opportunities to help shape meaningful and achievable goals that influence change and have a local and global impact.
We want to hear from you
While the ONE VCU Sustainability Plan draft recommendations have been published, we will continue to seek feedback about how the university and health system can continue to prioritize sustainable action in operations, administration, research and academics.