ONE VCU Sustainability Plan governance

Implementation of the One VCU Sustainability Plan requires systematic planning and collaboration across VCU and VCU Health. A robust governance and reporting structure focused on accountability, transparency, and engagement is charged with implementation. 

Executive Sponsors

VCU and VCU Health System senior leadership charged with making decisions on priorities, making recommendations to the president/cabinet, allocating resources when necessary, and reviewing progress.

  • Marlon Levy, senior vice president for VCU Health Sciences and interim CEO of VCU Health System
  • Srirama Rao, vice president for research and innovation
  • Fotis Sotiropoulos, provost and senior vice president for academic affairs
  • Meredith Weiss, senior vice president for finance and administration and CFO

Implementation Steering Committee

VCU and VCU Health leadership charged with prioritizing and selecting initiatives each year, allocating/requesting resources, assigning initiative leads, and reporting progress for initiatives in their respective area.

  • Brandon Augustine, VCO, CUPO, assistant director of purchasing, VCU Office of Procurement Services
  • Lisa Ballance, associate vice president for strategy and regulatory affairs, VCU Office of the Vice President for Research and Innovation
  • Carolyn Conlon, assistant vice president for finance and administration, VCU Office of the Senior Vice President for Finance and Administration and CFO
  • Curt Erwin, associate vice president for engaged communities, VCU Student Affairs
  • Catherine Ingrassia, Ph.D., professor and dean, VCU College of Humanities and Sciences
  • Alison Jones, Ed.D., M.P.A., associate vice president for health sciences academic operations and strategy, VCU Office of the Senior Vice President for Health Sciences
  • Ann Kildahl, Ph.D., director, VCU Sustainability, co-chair
  • William Nelson, executive director of academic finance and administration, VCU Office of the Provost
  • Mike Newsome, senior associate vice president for finance and operations, VCU Office of the Vice President for Research and Innovation
  • Ralph Rios, vice president of support services, VCU Health, co-chair
  • John Ryan, Ph.D., professor and associate vice president for research development, VCU Department of Biology
  • Larry Shirts, director, support services, plant operations & maintenance, VCU Health, biodiversity and campus ecology working group co-chair
  • Rich Sliwoski, associate vice president, VCU Facilities Management 

Advisory committee

Representatives from VCU and VCU Health governance groups and subject matter experts responsible for serving as an advisory resource to the implementation committee, reviewing implementation progress, engaging with the VCU and Richmond community about the plan implementation, and continually investigating best practices to identify opportunities for innovation. 

  • Ann Kildahl, Ph.D., director, VCU Sustainability, chair
  • Lauren Bailey, project manager, VCU Planning & Design
  • Ranger Balleisen, VCU student and vice president for Green Action
  • Sarah Barber, project manager, VCU Planning & Design 
  • Copeland Casati, Historic West Grace Street Association
  • Tivoli Dabney, VCU Staff Senate representative and executive assistant, VCU Research Institute for Social Equity
  • James Fune, VCU student
  • Puru Jena, Ph.D., distinguished professor of theoretical condensed matter and theoretical nanoscience, VCU Department of Physics, teaching, research and innovation working group co-chair
  • Steve Montgomery, operations manager, Plant Operations, VCU Health
  • Trey Mount, VCU student and Student Government Association representative
  • Leigh Scott, food services director, VCU Health
  • Jade Shull, VCU student
  • VCU Environmental Sciences representative
  • VCU Faculty Senate representative